On Thursday (18.04.) Launched the film "Life is not for cowards" Wotan Wilke Möhring in German cinemas. Now the tragicomedy received the title of "most valuable" of the FBW (German Film and Media Review).
Life is not for cowards |
Image. NFP / Georges Pauly
Here the jury: If the death leaves a void in the family life, the wound is difficult to cure. Markus (Wotan Wilke Möhring) and Kim it was made so as Babette, who was a wife and mother nucleus of the nuclear family, dies suddenly. While Mark is hiding, Kim loses his grip and longs for a strong shoulder. Gerlinde grandmother, son and granddaughter who wants to assist receives, meanwhile, the diagnosis of cancer.
Life is really not for cowards. The tragic reason constellation obtained by an expertly constructed and fluid screenplay written by Gernot Gricksch, which also supplied the original novel, soothing light and comical traits. Three individual stories are woven together to form a true and heartwarming family story. The camera provides excellent images to man Ngo The Chau, the "Life is not for cowards" soundtrack is unusual and just so so right. Director André Erkau takes its characters seriously and makes it her fate with a wink accept.
Wotan Wilke Möhring plays Mark as a tragic hero who learns to be there for his daughter and to confront his grief. Helene Woigk as impressionable girl with a dark Goth-shell is a real discovery and Christine Schorn as Gerlinde steals every scene with wit and charm. Also supporting cast as Rosalie Thomass and Frederick Lau create characters who like to follow the crowd.
Dry laconic and yet deeply touching proves "Life is not for cowards" (Release date: 18.04.) That life with all its dramas also must not be taken too seriously and true courage is to allow grief. If laughter and tears are closely together - a brilliant tragic comedy as it is in the book.
Director: André Erkau
Screenplay: Gernot Gricksch
Producer: Michael Eckelt
Cast: Wotan Wilke Möhring, Helen Woigk, Christine Schorn, Frederick Lau, Rosalie Thomass etc.
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