The amazing Spider Man |
The amazing Spider Man |
Peter Parker is seven
years old when his parents abandon him because of a terrible secret. Ten years
after high school outcast and a rebel, raised by loving uncles Ben and May, and
will try to reconstruct what has happened to his father Richard, finding the
key to understand himself in an attempt to explain the feeling of loneliness
that belongs. Reflected in the large pair of spectacles father, Peter falls in
love reciprocated the beautiful and intelligent classmate Gwen Stacy, and
investigating the mystery of his own childhood come to Oscorp and the
laboratory of Dr. Connors: Here is bitten by a spider, giving rise to the
legend that will forever change his life and that of the inhabitants of New
The amazing Spider Man |
When it was announced the
reboot of Spider-Man director Marc Webb, has been discussed as the author of
the independent film "500 Days" could reconcile his vocation for the
romantic comedy niche with the expectations of lovers cartoon, or even worse,
the previous trilogy by Sam Raimi. What was not taken into account, however, is
that the former specialist in music videos have been able to exploit his
penchant for humor and sentiment recreating from scratch a lot closer to the
original Peter Parker than the star of Raimi, in perfect accordance with the
school Spidey comics by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, and each quite capable of
grasping the essential point of the masked hero's heart. "The amazing
Spider-Man" (in 3D) thus brings a nice jolt of news with him.
For starters, you'll
immediately notice some fundamental differences with the old film, a Mary Jane
completely absent, replaced here by Peter's first love, Gwen Stacy, the fact
that the latter fall in love with the boy rather than the mask, on the contrary
the red for what we had learned to sympathize with a beautiful Kirsten Dunst.
In this regard, no tears: Emma Stone is an extraordinary actress and beautiful
as well, which has now shown many times to know how to fall in roles as diverse:
see examples of the ironic "Easy girl" or moving "The help
", where he manages to make room on the side while having a cast of true
movie stars. The size of the sentimental "The amazing Spider-Man", of
course, becomes important enough to be at the center of the story of Parker, if
anything, even more than Spider-Man starring Tobey Maguire, nevertheless, gives
evidence of Webb incredible sensitivity in his film to give a touch of true
classicism, that in a couple of scenes that perfect respectfully recalls working
machine built by Sam Raimi in his first chapter - the chapter that now, in some
ways, is even better than this reboot being tested. To add more news to come,
however, the context of significant action scenes, a little 'thanks to the
latest 3D technology, a little' thank the wonderful shots of New York was
attacked by John Schwartzman (Oscar nominee for " Seabiscuit - a timeless
myth ").
The amazing Spider Man |
The amazing Spider Man |
Andrew Garfield, leader of
the new faces of Hollywood along with the Stone, is an apt choice in full, an
actor can control the irony of a character both epic and dramatic, with a
physique as nervous and charismatic, and a virtually unique in its natural
facial expression. And it's really amazing how he can juggle the young sufferer
of "Do not leave me" Peter Parker and a teenager who loves to go
skate, especially if we think it is under 29 years. The remaining cast, as you
might expect it to happen, improvised character actor to make room for two
players: Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Martin Sheen and Sally Field of all the
secondary characters are a carousel capable of giving each his own contribution
to the film , which appears in all haste in one or two turning points (the
transformation of Peter in watchful, for example, or that of Dr. Connors in
crime), but enjoys absolute promptness in inaugurating a new era of actors, as
well as a new way to make good cinema.
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